Here are some lyrics that depict the situation of the time
"He wanted them to live it down when they were free,
The only way out was joinin' the army,And supposedly, some men went out for the army, signed on,
And ended up flyin' to Japan with a bomb,
That 15 kilotonne blast, put an end to the war pretty fast,
Two cities were blown to bits; the end of the war came quick,
Ken got out, big hopes of a normal life, with his kids and his wife,
But, when they got back to their home,
What they saw made them feel so alone,
These people had trashed every room,
Smashed in the windows and bashed in the doors,
Written on the walls and the floor,
"Japs not welcome anymore." "
This song with its heart felt and meanful lyrics tugs at the heart strings, and will have you tears by the end. One key to understand the song completely is to listen to the lyrics and the interviews carefully. Togerther with a simple backbeat and guitar later bringing into the brackground a strings section and keyboard (most likely on a choral setting).
Listen to the song a few times and take in the words and what they mean it is truely amazing, and has been conveyed so well
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